Mr. Book

What is the color of the character's hair, eyes, and skin?

Book has dark brown skin, with brown eyes and very short, greying curls, which he normally keeps under a wool watch cap.

What is the character's general appearace? Does the character stand erect or stooped? Dress anachronistically, stylishy, or inauspiciously? Look intimidating or casual? What might someone seeing the character for the first time think?

Book looks like someone who spends most of his time on the streets.

Despite his apparent lack of means, Book always stands straight and proud.

Book is dressed for bad weather, generally. He wears a wool watch cap, 1/2 finger gloves, a wool long coat, and low boots, along with dark slacks and a heavy dark flannel shirt.

Determined is a better word.

Where was the character born?

Birmingham AL

What is the character's age?

Undetermined, though book evidently was old enough to serve in WWII as a cook.

What was the character's family life like?


Has the character begun his own family?


When or how was the character educated?

In ports of call around the globe.

Has the character ever done anything else for a living?

Book has had all kinds of cooking jobs, from short order cook to hotel chef.

What about the character's political and religious beliefs?

Book is a devout follower of the Bible, King James version. He is suspicious of organizations in general, and politics and churches in particular.

What is the character's moral code?

Book follows the Ten Commandments, and lives them.

Does the character have any goals?

He appears to want to shepherd the good powered types toward preparedness for some end, but has not elaborated on this.

What is the character's personality?

Book is friendly, peaceful, and supportive. He is unshakeable in his beliefs, and completely unafraid of what the future might bring. It might also be observed that he has some qualities of the martyr in him as well.

What special qualities does the character posess? This doesn't necessarily refer to skills, but to what the character can do well. Does he get along well with other people? Is he skilled at taking care of business? Prioritizing tasks? Planning ahead?

He puts people at ease, can cook a fantastic meal in the most meager kitchens. He seems to always find an unlocked door when he needs one. Also, he can apparently heal other powered people.

Yes to all of these, though Book plays close to the chest.

Are there certain things the character just cannot do? Get close to people? Perceive himself realistically?

Book sometimes has problems relating to powered types due to an odd 'future memory' phenomenon he seems to possess. Though he knows the Millennium group well, he doesn't seem to know anything about Dominique Parisi. From the Millennium's experience with her nascent powers, they think he may be holding back something about her.

What does the character hate?

Evil in all its forms. If you threw Book at the gates of Hell armed with a dull knife, he'd spend his last moments trying to slice his way to the Prince of Light.

What does the character love?

Book seems to regard order as very important.

What is the character's full name? Nicknames?

Joshua Geneal Book, though he never goes by anything other than Mr Book. He has no known nickname.

How does the character perceive government? Those who are opposed to the government?

He mistrusts both groups, government because of its continued practice of allowing money to override the democratic process, and anti-government because the chaos they would deliver would be worse than the orderly corruption of day to day government.

How does the character interact with other members of the group? Are they protective of some members? Has the character developed a rivalry with another character? Are there any romantic interests the character would like to pursue?

Book gets along as a mentor to everyone, and seems protective of them all. Any rivals or romances he may have are not yet known.

How did the character gain his abilites? What was his first reaction? What motivates him to act as a hero now?

Book died on New Year's Eve, a wandering street preacher who urged people to repent in a booming voice. He was known all over the downtown area for his basso profundo. However, he awoke alive and well in the University of Kentucky morgue, his mind filled with visions of the world and of powered people. His previously strong belief in God became unshakeable, and he believes the work he is motivated to do is his way of atoning for his past itinerant life.

Photos of Morgan Freeman found on the web and used without permission.

Character created by David Utter don't really think Dave would show us NPC stats do you?

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